ドン・キホーテ 下通店

“Donquixote” is a general discount store with a trinity of “Convenience + Discount + Amusement”. We have many items such as food, daily necessities, miscellaneous goods, clothing and home appliances, and we aim to create a store that will please customers.
2nd Avenue
Store name ドン・キホーテ 下通店
Store address 5-27 Ansei-machi, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto-shi
Telephone / Fax 096-312-2311 / 096-312-2322
Credit card VISA JCB MasterCard American Express Diners Club Silver coin (Union pay)
Electronic money Rakuten Edy, iD, Suica, PASMO
QR code settlement QUICPay, WeChat Pay, Alipay
Opening hours AM 9: 00 to AM 2: 00
Closing days No regular holiday
Shop URL http://www.donki.com/
Social Media  - 
Transit ticket issue  No issue 
Use of shopping ticket Possible
About tax free General duty-free shop
Diaper change stand, multipurpose toilet None