靴下屋 Life and Feel 熊本下通店

Store name 靴下屋 Life and Feel 熊本下通店
Store address Tetorihonmachi, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto City 4-4-5
Telephone / Fax 096-352-0455 / 096-352-0455
Credit card VISA JCB MasterCard American Express Diners Club Silver coin (Union pay) UC Mitsubishi UFJ Nikos
Electronic money  - 
QR code settlement WeChat Pay, Alipay, LINE Pay, d-pay, au Pay
Opening hours AM 11: 00 ~ PM 8: 00
Closing days New Year
Shop URL http://www.tabio.com/jp/store/kutsushitaya/0145/
Social Media
Transit ticket issue  No issue 
Use of shopping ticket  - 
About tax free General duty-free shop
Diaper change stand, multipurpose toilet None