目利きの銀次 熊本下通アーケード街店

We offer a number of dishes that make use of the “safety, safety, freshness and deliciousness” ingredients such as domestic vegetables, including direct feed fresh fish that are particular about freshly caught freshness, for 24 hours. Breakfast, lunch, and evening drinks and chopsticks are available for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
3rd Avenue
Store name 目利きの銀次 熊本下通アーケード街店
Store address Chuo-ku, Kumamoto-shi Shimotori 1-chome 1-10-28 1F
Telephone / Fax 096-325-4288 / 0422-36-3388
Credit card VISA JCB MasterCard
Electronic money  - 
QR code settlement PayPay, Rakuten Pay, AliPay, LINEPay, etc.
Opening hours 24 time industry
Closing days  - 
Shop URL http://www.monteroza.co.jp/campaign/search/gin/
Social Media  - 
Transit ticket issue  No issue 
Use of shopping ticket Improper
About tax free Improper
Diaper change stand, multipurpose toilet None