株式会社 三国屋本店

We handle a wide range of items such as daily necessities, miscellaneous goods, and tableware. Our motto is "Coloring your everyday life".We also have gifts and souvenirs, so please feel free to drop by.
2nd Avenue
Store name 株式会社 三国屋本店
Store address Kumamoto-shi Chuo-ku, Shimotori 1-8-29
Telephone / Fax 096-353-4101 / 096-352-5651
Credit card VISA JCB MasterCard American Express Diners Club Silver coin (Union pay)
Electronic money Rakuten Edy
QR code settlement PayPay
Opening hours AM 10: 30 ~ PM 7: 30
Closing days New Year
Shop URL https://e-mikuniya3928.wixsite.com/mikuniya
Social Media
Transit ticket issue 1 yen for purchases of 5,000 floor product 300 or more
Use of shopping ticket Possible
About tax free Consumption tax procedure consignment duty-free shop
Diaper change stand, multipurpose toilet None