
We sell fabric handicraft materials, button yarns, etc.We also offer various handicraft classes.Please feel free to ask how to make it.We will always be happy to answer any simple advice.
Store name 手芸のマキノ
Store address 1-28 Ansei-machi, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto-shi
Telephone / Fax 096-352-0062 / 096-352-0062
Credit card VISA JCB
Electronic money  - 
QR code settlement PayPay, Alipay
Opening hours (Monday ~ Saturday) AM 9: 30 ~ PM 7: 00 (Sunday) AM 10: 00 ~ PM 7: 00
Closing days 2 Tuesday / 4 Tuesday
Shop URL https://makino.b-smile.jp/
Social Media
Transit ticket issue Issuing 3000 yen coupons for purchases over 200 yen
Use of shopping ticket Possible
About tax free Improper
Diaper change stand, multipurpose toilet None